What are the Fury Transformation Sessions?
The Fury Project team has created a series workshops interrogating anger, how gender organises anger into good and bad anger depending on you sex, how race myths are attributed to people from diverse ethnic groups and how "anger" in these groups is perceived.
The sessions are dynamic, fun, creative and grounded in the study of myth, representation, transformation and justice.
Participants leave with a deeper understanding of how anger is a tool for empowerment or for manipulation and control is suppressed, how they can challenge their own perceptions of anger and effect positive change in their environment and relationships just with a simple change of perspective.
Much like in the original tale of Orestes where the Three Furies feature, The Fury project creatively produces and envisages avenues to pursue anger 'transformed' as a positive tool for change.
Please note: These are not anger management therapy session. They are workshops using creativity to unpack how anger works in the world we live in today and to creatively challenge how we view it.
It just so happens that the consequences have a deep resonance which will be unique to each individual.
Poetry, Monologue & Story
Creative writing workshops - writing and discussion sessions to unpack feelings around anger, to process thoughts. To generate poetry or creative writing for personal reflection or collective sharing.
Performance workshops - learn how to share your work confidently for public speaking, performance. The consequeces of these session enable participants to feel more assertive in expressing anger and talking about it.
Multi-media Arts
Womens' Anger: Our Perception
Binding and Writing It Out
As the foundation of Fury Project came from the Greek Myth of The Three Furies and is rooted in an exploration of Women and anger, so there is a focus in the workshops toward further examination of female empowerment.
Using the crafts of Binding and Creative Writing to explore how women's voice of anger has been bound and written out mainstream history, we use these session to locate and flex that voice, through an ancient craft called Binding inspired by visual artists Tanvi Kant - Click for more details
Much like the old school tradition of Quilting, participants will bind fabric whilst unraveling their stories and transforming the binding of thier voices into a tangible creative piece that will be contributed to The Fury Project installation. (or they can be taken home or even burned a process of symbolic cleansing of the psyche.
Movement & Dance
Some of the exploration of anger cannot be articulated using words. Our professional dancers have devised a series of workshops that explore this emotion to translate it coherently. These energised and imaginative sessions reveal much to participants and enable them to write for later reflection.
Packages & Bundles
All sessions are themes by "Perceptions of Anger"
Photography - Learn how to frame and capture image to tell stories. Build a story board or book with or without text for later reflection
Sketching, Art Journaling & vision boards - with the photography, create story and scrap book to great a graphic novel of your story
Audio Soundscaping - create sound tracks for installation, poetry dance and movement
Listen to Anger Stories from the Transformation Jukebox
Build your own program of workshops for a rounded exploration of this powerful emotion.
Click here for contact for further info